TWCMSI is an Accredited Global Partner of GEPEA EUROPE, GEPEA UNIVERSITY. GEPEA offers highly recognized professional and executive level courses from Short Courses, Diplomas, Bachelor’s degrees, and Master’s Degree to Doctoral levels, Chartered Degrees, Dual Certifications through the Distance learning education system. Also, GEPEA is an International Apex Academy for Global Accreditation and Affiliation center for Academies, Colleges, and Professional Training Institutes. GEPEA EUROPE is governed under CAE 85420 (Ensino Superior i.e. Higher Education), This Economic Activities Code comprises higher education activities (University and Polytechnics) to which qualified individuals with a secondary education or equivalent have access, and individuals over twenty-three years of age who, without the aforementioned qualification, reveal qualifications through the provision of tests. In this teaching, the degrees of Bachelor, Licentiate, Master and Doctorate Degree can be obtained and CAE 85591 (Formação/Qualificação Profissional i.e. Professional Training/Qualification), This Economic Activities Code, Rev.3, refers to Vocational Training. GEPEA is accredited, Affiliated, and partnered Global Apex Academy with renowned international organizations which provide extremely exceptional, distinguished continuing higher education and prestigious awards via open access to all professionals, and adult individuals located around the world. From its Central Europe office cloud campus to the student’s doorstep via distance learning or e-campus/seminars/conferences/group meetings for academic & professional diplomas, degrees, awards, honors, trainings and certifications internationally. GEPEA support services offer flexible part-time study, supported distance, and open learning for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctoral, Diploma courses and professional qualifications.
GEPEA University, GEPEA Europe also offers VAE Diploma, VAE (Validation through Acquired Experience), Ph.D. VAE, Master’s Degree through VAE, Bachelor’s Degree through VAE, Honors Degree through VAE, Doctorate degree VAE, Doctoral Degree through VAE Research, and so on.
GEPEA University’s certificates, Credentials will be recognized by 1. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY FCE, USA 2. VALIDENTIAL, USA 3. MYIEEE , USA, CANADA for Education and immigration, and other renowned International Credential Evaluators respectively.

For enrolment or Admission in your desired program, you are welcome to visit GEPEA Website:
Short Courses
Bachelor’s degrees
Master’s Degree
Doctoral levels
Honorary Degrees
CONTACT WITH GEPEA International Admission Office: Vienna, Austria, and Lisbon, Portugal. E-mail: or